Monday 7 June 2010

A Right Pain in the Grass

I've found a new & very organic way of exercising. Gardening. Honest to goodness, after my very green, very energetic weekend of battling with the lawn my bum, thigh and arm muscles feel like I've climbed Kilimanjaro. It was, by no means, low effort, high impact (my favourite type of exercise) but it was most certainly effective. I'd recommend it if you are a glutton for punishment.

What you need:

1) A garden that hasn't been tended to for about a year
2) A lawn mower that keeps getting clogged up, thus demanding squats and lunges as you scuffle with the machine
3) A slide & swing set which gets in the way, thus calling for stretches and lifts as you do your best Incredible Hulk impression trying to shift it out the way
4) A petrol tank which isn't quite up to the job, thus requiring a swift dash to the petrol station to stock up on provisions
5) 12 empty black bin liners (soon to be full)
6) 6 spare hours

Et Voila! You got yourself a routine!
My body hurts...

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