Monday 7 June 2010

How to Chill when you feel like a Drip

Last week I was feeling fairly run-down because of work overload plus a number of other personal stresses and I started to feel really lethargic and in need of a pick-me-up. For someone who’s on a diet, this is a big danger. When you’re tired and groggy the easiest thing is to turn to the nearest sugar fix, to call for a take-away and to sack-off any attempt at exercise.

A new offering at Chelsea spa, EF MediSpa, had caught my eye when reading the Evening Standard a couple of months ago and my week of feeling like I was constantly trailing behind myself made me think that this was the perfect opportunity to try it out. The ‘Drip & Chill’ is an energy boosting treatment during which you’re hooked up to an IV and pumped with vitamins and anti-oxidants to combat lethargy and to chase away any lingering illnesses. It’s comparable to a vitamin shot but as it’s fed steadily into your blood stream, it has even more of an effect.

When first entering the idyllic haven that is EF MediSpa I have to admit to some nerves. I’m fine with needles; I was just concerned with how my body would react to such an instant blast of goodness. Nevertheless, the Drip & Chill lounge is beautifully serene and immediately put me at ease. The specific ‘Drip’ that I chose was the ‘Vitality Booster’ which, I was reliably informed, would raise my energy levels and build my endurance.

With the drip implanted in my arm I lay back and was lulled by the ‘Chill’ part of the session. Straying slightly from the whale music that I’m used to at spas, EF MediSpa, along with cognitive therapist Tej Samani, have developed a meditative soundtrack to the treatment to make the relaxing experience so much more so.

By the end of the treatment I felt so peaceful I could barely remember why I had previously felt so anxious. That night I slept from about 9.30pm until 7.30am and awoke feeling chirpier, more energetic and entirely ready to take on the world (and to say no to Cadbury and Dominos). There are a number of options; to combat stress, boost your immune system, to enhance your game and the one which I'd like to go for next, the Meta Booster, which speeds up your metabolism.

For more information about the Drip & Chill go to or call 020 7397 5554.

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