Monday 31 May 2010

Smells Like Summer

I've always had quite masculine taste in fragrances. From my first ever perfume, which was CK One, to my current choice, which is J'adore Dior, I've always preferred the more musky aftershave-like scents and mostly avoided anything floral. Nevertheless, I decided that this year, the appearance of the sunshine and the resurrection of flouncy skirs & bright colours should also lead me to adapt my perfume choice accordingly.

According to the perfumiere's handbook, Summer fragrances should be light, cool and mostly citrus based. They should be reminiscent of a sunny day in a plaza in Seville or frolicking in a Tuscan vineyard.

After some deliberation, I came to the Glee-ad-break-inspired decision of Nina by Nina Ricci. This gorgeous little apple-shaped scent is a fresh and fruity medley of flavours which screams femininity without overbearing the user with its sweet notes. The triumph of my choice has been confirmed by the fact that people notice it and ask about it all the time as I waft through doors.

So there you have it - girly fragrance, floral scent and talking point... the trio to Summer smelly success!

In other news, my best friend Kris & I have signed up to the 10k Battersea Park Boutique Run ( on the 10th July. I've done a 10k run before and it nearly killed me so God knows why I think I can do it again but I was hoping my new fitness levels (questionable) might spur me on. Who knows? Training starts here.

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