Sunday, 2 May 2010

It's the endorph the world as we know it

It has been said again and again that exercise is a fantastic way to cure the blues and, to be fair, for the most part that has been my experience. It's not such a struggle to get myself upright in the morning, I'm more proactive when it comes to menial tasks such as hoovering and polishing, and even more lively with less menial tasks, like my job.

As a very wise woman once said: "Exercise gives you endorphines. Endorphines make you happy. Happy people just don't shoot their husbands."* OK, it's slightly irrelevant, but you get my point. People who exercise are happier, full of energy and just generally more pleasant to be around.

Nevertheless, as a weight-losing process, this newfound healthy lifestyle leads to one inevitable thing: the big weigh-in. And when the weekly weigh-in doesn't go to plan there is nothing more effective to kill someone's endorphine-fuelled buzz. This week's weigh-in was one of those - I put on 2lbs. I stuck to a calorie controlled diet, I cut down my alcohol intake by about 3/4 and I exercised every single day. But even so, my weigh-in was one big fat fail.

Daniel Herman, from drinks & sports nutrition company Bio Synergy, has given me the following Top Ten Tips on how I can shake my disappointment and continue with the regime:

- Focus on how you feel not how much you weigh (muscle from exercise weighs more than fat) – as lean muscle weighs more than fat, you may actually see a reduction in dress size and look slimmer but weigh more. A simple test is to jump up and down - if you stop wobbling quicker than before, it’s working!

- Set achievable goals – by setting goals that are achievable you are more likely to maintain your new lifestyle and achieve your longer term goal – health

- Make changes that you can stick too – if you absolutely hate something doing it will be difficult. Similarly, if you love something, giving it up will be just as hard. Instead choose an option that you can stick too e.g. don’t run, swim, don’t give up take aways just have them as a treat etc

- Enlist some friendly support – studies have shown that people who work together to achieve a goal a more likely to succeed as they can help each other through the tough times and a bit of competition is always healthy

- Don’t let setbacks set you back. Focus on the end goal – you are only human, so don’t let one night of excess become an excuse to give up, tomorrow is a new day, just make sureyou don’t have too many new days!

- Keep your diet varied – variety is the spice of life and even foods that you love can get boring and by swapping chicken for fish etc you are getting different health benefits whilst keeping your protein intake up.

- Don’t go food shopping when you are hungry – it often results in you filling the trolley with the wrong foods

- Do treat yourself – otherwise what is the point?!

- Combine healthy eating with exercise for best results – for long term wellbeing, a combination of health eating and exercise walking, gym, sports is the best

- Eat little and often – keeps your metabolism on an even keel and helps regulate blood sugar levels

Thanks Dan - Onwards & (hopefully) downwards...

* Elle Woods, Legally Blonde

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