Wednesday 22 September 2010

Ear Licking on the Strand

DISCLAIMER: Please do not read the following blogpost if you’re offended by the word ‘Wanker.’ The subject is fashion and it just can't be avoided.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!” he squealed. “Daaaaaahling!!!” she replied, as they grasped each others’ faces and performed their overzealous ear-licking greeting ritual in the arches of the entrance to Somerset House.

Monday 7 June 2010

A Right Pain in the Grass

I've found a new & very organic way of exercising. Gardening. Honest to goodness, after my very green, very energetic weekend of battling with the lawn my bum, thigh and arm muscles feel like I've climbed Kilimanjaro. It was, by no means, low effort, high impact (my favourite type of exercise) but it was most certainly effective. I'd recommend it if you are a glutton for punishment.

What you need:

How to Chill when you feel like a Drip

Last week I was feeling fairly run-down because of work overload plus a number of other personal stresses and I started to feel really lethargic and in need of a pick-me-up. For someone who’s on a diet, this is a big danger. When you’re tired and groggy the easiest thing is to turn to the nearest sugar fix, to call for a take-away and to sack-off any attempt at exercise.

Monday 31 May 2010

Smells Like Summer

I've always had quite masculine taste in fragrances. From my first ever perfume, which was CK One, to my current choice, which is J'adore Dior, I've always preferred the more musky aftershave-like scents and mostly avoided anything floral. Nevertheless, I decided that this year, the appearance of the sunshine and the resurrection of flouncy skirs & bright colours should also lead me to adapt my perfume choice accordingly.

Thursday 27 May 2010

Sex And Our City

So sorry for the absence folks - I've been flitting here & there including to the beautiful Emerald Isle for my goddaughter's communion. Now I'm back in the Big Smoke, however, it's time to start thinking about the important things. Namely, the return to our screens of Carrie, Samantha, Miranda and Charlotte.

Saturday 15 May 2010

Being Mrs Muscle

So, as well as having a quasi obsessive interest in my weight I'm also semi OCD about cleanliness in my flat. Fun ey? Just spare a thought for my boyfriend.

When I lived at home, my mum was always a complete tyrant when it came to picking knickers off the floor, organising the dishwasher in a very specific manner and plumping the sofa cushions...even when someone was sitting on them. And whilst I rebelled at the time, now I have my own flat, home doesn't feel like home unless there's a faint whiff of Jif in the air.

Tuesday 11 May 2010

New balls please

Last week I was a bit lax with my exercise routine and finished the week with a massive night out during which I drank an entire bottle of wine. The day after it was weigh-in day and, as it was also Election Day (shake head as you note which is first in my order of importance), I headed down to the polling station. My altered state of consciousness (read heavy, horrid hangover) led me to stand for 20 minutes in the wrong borough’s polling station before realising that I live in Camden, and the residents of Brent really didn’t care about my political inclination. Stumbling over to the correct side of the road I mused regrettably about how easily I was swayed to neck that bottle and to stray from my well-thought-out slimming plan.

Wednesday 5 May 2010

Election Countdown - Where to Celebrate / Commiserate

A slightly different topic and (SHOCK HORROR) nothing to do with my weight but I can't let the GE go by without even so much of a mention. I wouldn't, however, want to preach politics at you & certainly don't feel well versed enough to deal out voting advice but I have asked my pal Emyr Thomas, who runs London concierge service Bon Vivant, to fill me in on the best places in the capital to watch the results. His ideas sound like much more fun than sitting on my sofa with a cup of hot lemon water and a rich tea.