Monday 19 April 2010

Flower Power for the twenty first century...

One of my biggest problems is that, when it comes to food & booze, I have real issues with saying no. Even when I have the best of intentions, I end up proffering my plate or glass and uttering those immortal words "ooo, go on then, just one more..."

The thought that an holistic remedy might harness and control my will power might be a bit airy fairy for some but, for the sake of my waist-line, I'm willing to give it a shot.

Many people know Bach Remedies as the creators of Rescue Remedy - I remember the whisky-favoured mixture from when (embarrassingly enough) my 16 year old nerves couldn't cope with my GCSEs. Bach flower essences were discovered by Dr Edward Bach, a physician and bacteriologist, who employs the natural healing power of flowers to help manage emotions and energy.

The Bach Remedies which relate to the topic at hand are the 'Bach Emotional Eating Kit' which include Crab Apple, Cherry Plum and Chestnut Bud. Each of these natural remedies are said to empower you so that your confidence is such that you don't feel the need to turn to food or drink, and instead utter a resounding 'no'.

Crab Apple helps with acceptance of yourself and your imperfections; Cherry Plum can help you to think and act rationally and Chestnut Bud can help you gain knowledge from your experience. All which can help you when you're attempting to turn your head away from temptation.

One simply squeezes two drops from the pipette onto the tongue four times a day and if you ever feel your resolve slipping just reach for the bottle (of Bach that is...) I look forward to seeing if this works. It may be a little 'out there' but Flower Power seemed to work in the 60s, perhaps it could work for me...


  1. What you describe is a common problem. It's the primary reason I developed "Crave" a flower essence blend to help break craving & addictions. You probably also want to try agrimony for all emotional eating and the drinking. It is primarily focused on strengthening one's willpower.

  2. Walnut will help on addictions
